Download NoteFly
NoteFly is a free opensource, ligthweight, highly customizable,
with advance features note taking application for windows.


Extra downloading page removed

Sep 30 The extra download page you with got when you clicked on a link on the downloads page is removed. This removes possible problems and downloads counting is now improved too.

beta2 a quick fix

Sep 18 I found that under 32bits windows NoteFly could crash at startup. To fix this NoteFly 2.5.0 beta2 is released. For all the changes see the changelog page.

NoteFly 2.5.0 beta1 released

Sep 14 A new beta version of NoteFly is released. This release support plugins for extending NoteFly. Futuremore NoteFly now supports a image as backgound for a skin. Also a updater to has been added to automate the updating of NoteFly. And now NoteFly support opening several other note files from other note taking applications.

NoteFly 2.0.0 final released

Jul 20 NoteFly 2.0.0 final is released.
The website of notefly has also been redesigned.
Change since rc1 is as follows:
- Improved more correct syntax highlighter
- Keep the size of the note if you are editing a note.
- add wrap lines option
- add button to manually check for update.
bug fixes:
- Running notefly for the first time as administrator and pressing OK lead to Crash.
- Moving note to different save folder messes up manage notes window.
- Changing note settings does not always update Manage Notes.

NoteFly 2.0.0 RC1

Apr 26 NoteFly 2.0.0 RC1 has been released.
changes and bugfixes since 2.0.0 beta4 are:
- Add bullitlist button lights in different color than that of skin.
- Fix moving notes to different notes save folder not working.
- The lock icon can be drawn on wrong position on showing note.
new features:
- Make it possible to toggle visibility of notes with the checkbox in the manage notes window.
- Save rollup of notes.
- Let update notification point directly to the right download.