Download NoteFly
NoteFly is a free opensource, ligthweight, highly customizable,
with advance features note taking application for windows.


NoteFly 1.0.2 released

Jun 3 Today a new release of NoteFly is released. No new features are added just bugfixes. The changelog for 1.0.2 is as follows: - Note not in the right color after making it visible again. (bug #0000016) - Links are not detected in note content after restart NoteFly. (bug #0000022) - Setup does not detect if NoteFly is still running. (bug #0000019) - "Copy current note content" let notefly crash if note content is empty. (bug #0000020)

NoteFly 1.0.1 Released

May 20 NoteFly 1.0.1 is released. This release mainly fixes bugs. The changelog for 1.0.1 is as follows: - feature add: "sticky on top" to "create new note" window added.(#0000015) - Sending note to e-mail does not show content in new e-mail (bug #0000008) - Send a note of exact 140 chars is considered empty (bug #0000010) - Switching left to right text back to right to left ingores not selected lines. (bug #0000012) - "create new note" window not showed in front. (bug #0000014)

get the new version

May 16 It seems that a lot of people are still downloading the old 1.0.0 RC2 and 1.0.0 RC1 release of NoteFly. I want to point out that a more stable: 1.0.0 Final is available. Please get this one because it has less bugs than RC2 and RC1

ubuntu/debian package available

Apr 23 Version 1.0.0 is now also available as .deb file for those who are working with Ubuntu and have mono installed.

NoteFly 1.0.0 final released

Apr 22 NoteFly 1.0.0 final is released. The official changelog is as follows: - NoteFly does not auto launch after installation anymore, so users are not confusingly creating notes under the admin.account. (resolves bug 0000004) - Default title of new note is now date and time. - Fixed sending note to Facebook not working (bug 0000007) - Sending note to e-mail does not show content in new e-mail. (bug: 0000008) - Fixed start on logon is always uncheck if settings window is opened. (bug: 0000006) - Fixed uninstall of NoteFly does not cleanup run key (bug: 0000002) - Error log entries are now logged before the error message is showed. - A lot of stylecop code style suggestion fixed. - Added a desktop icon.